If you like to travel or just to mix inspirations,the bathroom is the place where you can put some of this inspirations on. The most luxurious interior designers such as Kelly Wreastler, Kelly Hopen or Phillipe Starck take this inspiration so… why can’t you?
These rooms aren’t intended to give an educational cross section of a typical home in these locations, but rather to take a pinch of flavor from each culture, mix it up with a good measure of panache and a dash of whimsy.
1- Via Delpha
This Moroccan approach is decadent and passionate in a stunning purple palette, and twinkling mosaic tiles.
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2- Traditional Chinese luxury with shiny silver accents gives a delicate yet cool look.
3- Get some Arabian inspiration with this golden touches and marble floor.
4- The tile gives the Russian treatment and the venetian mirror helps.
5- Get inside the Bold American with this graphics form a striking wall mural in this space, whilst taxicab checks frame the furniture.
6- Via Milldue
Dark and dramatic, this edgy Italian modernism rules in this setting, though there is a clear nod to old Italy in the sculpture and chandelier work.