For the first time in L.A., the Architecture and Design Film Festival kicks off with an emphasis on the South California architecture.
This five-day festival has more than 30 recent feature-lenght and short movies as some of the Top L.A names as Barbara Bestor and Kelly Lynch participate on the panel discussions.
Movies come from around the world but South California is o the spotlight with movies as “The Pyler Housr”, a profile of Mitch Glazer and Kelly Lynch’s home in Lone Pine, designed by Richard Neutra; “Coast Modern”, about the West Coast modernist architecture and “Levitated Mass”, from Doug Pray with chronicle journey into LA County Museum Art from 1968 to 2012 and TELOS: The Fantastic World of Eugene Tssui, the vision of an anti-establishment architect.
I would love to go… are you going? Let me know your opinion!
Architecture & Design Film Festival, March 12–16, Los Angeles Theatre Center;