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"Boca do Lobo at ICFF"

Luxury design at ICFF: exclusive interview with Boca do Lobo

Everyone knows how I adore Boca do Lobo designs and also how I get related to their style and try to follow them while they go to fairs and exhibitions. This time, I’ve tried something different. I already know this guys so it was just a nice chat we had by phone.

"Boca do Lobo at ICFF" Marco, how and why did you get into the design Industry? Where did you study, etc?
It was from the early years that I started to show my interest in craftsmanship works. I was a nightmare at home, drawing in the walls of my parents and destroying my sister’s dolls in order to do other “artistic” constructions. The thing I most liked was to be close to my father, that was a metallurgic artisan. I love working with him, and I believe that’s how the passion for arts begun. In 2004, I began my academic journey studying science; an adventure that soon I discovered it was not my passion. My heart was beating for creativity and this way I decided to study Arts and Design at University of Coimbra, Portugal.

In 2009, it came up the opportunity to make my study about “Design, Art and Emotion” a reality and that’s how my relationship with Boca do Lobo begun. Since this successful relationship started I’ve been exposing “my” work through Boca do Lobo in many places in the world. It’s been very exciting to be a part of Boca do Lobo internationalization and growing process.

"Boca do lobo at ICFF" How would you describe your design style? How varied are your designs? Do you have a signature touch with your designs?
I feed daily my passion : I study in an unceasing way to discover new materials and to revitalize the already known – that’s the way I find more creative to reinvent my designs.
From this rare combination, I create distinct pieces, which are transformed into iconic symbols, like Pixel Cabinet, one of my favorite pieces, indeed, that I believe will be an eternal legacy for Boca do Lobo stadium.

"Boca do lobo at ICFF" What do you love about being a designer?
Above all, what I most love about being a designer is the way I can combine different styles. Specially, I adore creating exclusive design furniture that is a deep emotional experience. Here at Boca do Lobo, the concept and the mixture between past arts and contemporary techniques is perfect for me to explore and be excited to work for and explore more about this emotional design. I like to design pieces that are provocative and at the same time that can make people have an emotional connection with an object, making them feel comfortable and make them desire that object.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I like creating modern furniture with traditional and classical touch. I love the Baroque period as I also get deeply inspired by minimalistic pieces of design. Arts and crafts techniques have always made me get very interested and all of my works are inspired by styles that mix old and new, modern and antique. I love studying manual techniques that here in Boca do Lobo we strive to recover.
"Boca do lobo at ICFF"

What are some of your most popular designs? Tell us a bit about some of your designs and what you love about them. What’s your favourite and why?
Heritage sideboard from Limited Edition Collection was the project that has given me the most satisfaction because of its strong connection to Portuguese History. At the beginning of 2012, at Maison & Objet, Heritage Sideboard, was considered Trend Product, by Nelly Rodi. It made me very happy! Pixel Cabinet is also a piece from the same collection that I am very proud of. It is a remarkable piece that has conquered many international recognitions and a piece that marks a special moment of the brand. "Boca do lobo at ICFF"

Now Boca do Lobo is about to unveil the result of its new hyper luxury design philosophy: a series of luxurious home safes and exclusive table top objects like cigar humidors, watch winders and jewelry cases. What Boca do Lobo pretends with this collection? As the brand manager, can you talk about this Ana Gomes?
Yes, sure. With Private Collection, our focus is, besides interior designers and architects, on watch brands, jewelry houses and other luxury concept stores as well, where small luxury objects need to be exhibited inside worthy pieces which consist of true artworks.  We believe that when all of these elements come together the chemistry is perfect and so this new market to explore will be for us a great and enriching challenge.
"Boca do lobo at ICFF"

What can you tell us about the Collection, Marco?
This collection is made of skillful manual work by talented craftsmen, combined with a contemporary design which challenges the noblest materials and the wisest hand of Portugal.
At the same time, timelessness persists, as well as Emotional Design and the ability of creating pieces which tell a story of their own.

Which one of this amazing pieces is your favorite?
I love them all, all different and unique…

"Boca do Lobo at ICFF"
Is your appetite for extreme luxury awakened? Come and see this amazing collection at ICFF, New York, they will be at 1154 and 1162.

See here one of my favorites and… let me know what you think: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, G+.

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