Article written by Sara Tavares, Designer
It’s time to return to work for most of us. September is time to start looking for the latest trends and the upcoming ones.The design shows are just here to help you and the most important ones are happening in Europe.
Here I leave you my 2 favorites that you can go in September… one in London, the other on in France… If you can, go to both, if not… Go to the one in the city you love the most or to the one you don’t know. Either way you will have a blast… with design!
Starting with London, you can find 100% Design. The place were everyone in London will go. Celebrating more that 20 editions, this year the theme is “Kaleidoscope”. From 17th to 20th of September, you can find the top names of designer there…
If you love croissant and romantic places, Paris is the place to go and Maison & Object Paris is the place to be. I belive you will fall in love with this show: different, with lots of novelties and of course, with a amazing new trends.
2014. MAISON&OBJET PARIS presentation from MAISON&OBJET on Vimeo.
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